Celestial Collaboration with the Oceti Sakowin and AMSC

Since our last post, AMSC Board members TJ Ravenwolf, Jennifer Gilden and Rachel Leister traveled to South Dakota to attend the Annual Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council Fires) Spring Equinox Sacred Site Celestial Ceremony at Wind Cave.

They were joined by producer-director Matt Perez-Mora and cinematographer Tyler Grain of Timber & Frame Film Company, who are working on a documentary with AMSC about the story of visions of two indigenous leaders bringing about personal and global healing.

The film will also share the ways of the Red Road with associated ceremonies including the Sundance. In the midst of it all, the effort to bring the Sundance to Alaska is ongoing.

While in South Dakota, Matt and Tyler conducted interviews, filmed sacred sites and scenes in the Black Hills, while TJ and Jennifer attended an inipi (sweat lodge) on the Pine Ridge Reservation, visited Bear Butte (a sacred site), and met with local leaders and elders.

TJ was honored to be included in a meeting of the Oceti Sakowin and to be afforded a personal meet with Chief Leonard Crow Dog, the last remaining Holy Man of the Lakota. The AMSC board members left South Dakota with renewed inspiration, new connections, and many plans for the future.