Enter to win art & prizes. Support our work with the Ironwood Sundance in South Dakota!

Alaska Midnightsun Sundance Council is holding a raffle with the leaders of the Ironwood Hilltop Sundance this month to purchase COVID supplies for the Sundance. By buying a raffle ticket, you may win some of the following prizes:

A star quilt

Two TJ Ravenwolf Medicine Wheels

Four sets of handmade wooden bowls

Two ulus (traditional Alaskan knives)

One Pendleton purse

Two Pendleton baseball caps

One Pendleton purse/wallet

Two kuspuks (a sort of Alaska Native hoodie)

One buffalo head rattle

One horse hair hand drum

Four Cheyenne beaded medallions

One flute walking stick

And more!

Tickets can be purchased for $20 here (or in person at the Sundance).

A drawing will be held on the last day of Sundance (August 16). You do not need to be present to win.

Thank you for your support!

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