News from AMSC: A trip to South Dakota, a name for the Sundance, new connections, and more

Alaska Sundance Named

The Alaska Sundance has an official name! The Sundance that AMSC is planning for 2022 in Alaska has been formally named the Great Raven’s Medicine Song Sundance (Datson’ So Seyh Ch’eleech Wiwanke Wichipi). We will have more details on this Sundance in the near future.

A trip to South Dakota

In September, AMSC Intercessor TJ Ravenwolf and new board member Leslie Davidson-Harris took a trip to the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Indian Reservations in South Dakota to continue making connections and building relationships with Lakota leaders. They met with key elders and leaders, participated in several ceremonies, and discussed how AMSC can help support the Lakota people while preparing for the Great Raven’s Medicine Song Sundance. They also distributed AMSC’s new brochure.

Welcome New Volunteers!

AMSC is pleased to welcome Leslie, who has agreed to serve as AMSC’s new Northwest Camp Chair, assisting the board with AMSC business in the Pacific Northwest. Leslie previously served on the board of Wisdom of the Elders, which promotes the preservation of Indigenous Wisdom and Native American cultural sustainability and education. Leslie has supported and participated in Sundance ceremony for over two decades, with the added experience of having them on her property in Sandy, Oregon.

We are also pleased to welcome Lisa Ortiz, who was previously involved in organizing efforts at Standing Rock to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline. Lisa is helping to organize AMSC’s relief efforts in South Dakota.

In the coming weeks AMSC will be focusing its efforts to assist families on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations. We are also looking for volunteers to help with fundraising and grant research. Please contact us if you’re interested!